Please check out my facebook and instagram for work updates, links can be found at the bottom of the homepage.
I post stunning images like these below, captured by at the Oak Wood Ryther Barn on a styled shoot, where many fabulous suppliers came together to showcase their amazing talents as a team. I love working on fantastic shoots like these ❤
Meet the team and their instagram accounts below❤:
Hair & Makeup: Anna Stephenson @as_hairandmakeupartist
Photographer: Hayley Baxter Photography @hbaxterphotography
Venue: Oakwood at Ryther @oakwoodatryther
Florist: Walter and Blossom @walterandblossom
Styling: Ambience York @ambienceyork
Lighting / Furniture: Typical Type @typicaltypeuk
Dresses: Lace & Co @laceandcobridal
Model: Megan Morrill @megmorrill
Cake: Pretty Sugar Cake Company @theprettysugarcakecompany
Stationery: Raspberry Toast @raspberry_toast